This online synchronous course provides a broad introduction to the theory and practice of liberal religious education, with an emphasis on Unitarian Universalist congregations. Topics include an overview of the history and philosophy of Unitarian Universalist children’s religious education and ministry, teaching methods and learning processes, theories of human development, the congregation as an educating community, current approaches and innovations in religious education for children and youth including multigenerational ministries and worship-centered models, collegial relationships and professional standards for religious educators, and curriculum resources. This course emphasizes religious education with children, youth, and families alternating every other year with another course focusing on adult faith development. Coursework includes a field placement (approximately three times a month) in a local congregation’s religious education ministry, weekly journaling, periodic written assignments, responsibility for leading class openings and discussions, and a final project of significance to the student’s future ministry.
Suitable for MDiv, MASC, and Certificate students. Relates to Thresholds: 7 – Educating for Wholeness and Liberation; 1 – Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement and MFC competencies: 3 – Spiritual Development for Self and Others; 7 – Leads the Faith into the Future.
Max enrollment: 20. Auditors excluded.