Dr. Ashley London Bacchi received her doctorate in Jewish History and Culture at the Graduate Theological Union in May 2015. She is originally from New York and received her BA in Classics with a double minor in Art History and Philosophy from Hartwick College. She moved to California in 2005 to earn a post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Classics from UC Davis before moving to Berkeley for her Masters at the GTU and SKSM in Cultural and Historical Studies of Religion, focusing on Jewish and Christian Traditions. Her scholarship focuses primarily on women and power in the literary and material culture of the Hellenistic world to offer counter narratives to uncontested male dominance in Hellenistic literature and culture. This work contributes to the historical discourses associated with women’s ordination, reproductive rights, and gender diversity in prophetic authority and political leadership.
Learn more about Ashley here.
“Starr King School for the Ministry centers its pedagogical model on countering oppressions, confronting what many in academia turn away from, not just acknowledging that systemic oppressions exists but actively working to dismantle them and offer new and innovative possibilities for creating a more equitable and sustainable future. I feel honored to be a part of such a mission, especially during this time of heightened conflict, polarization, fear, and anger. I believe that Starr King offers tools for its students to enter into difficult conversations that will lead to healing and transformation.”