We’re seeking your help in topping off the Ted Fetter Scholarship Fund.
Named in honor of loyal Starr King donor and immediate past Chair of the Board of Trustees, Ted Fetter, this scholarship is just $9,000 away from its full funding of $50,000. Once it reaches that level, we can allocate more scholarship dollars to current and incoming Starr King seminarians with the greatest need.
Ted Fetter has been a tireless champion of Unitarian Universalism and progressive theological education and has served on the Starr King board of trustees since 2015. He is married to Jane Fetter. You can read his full bio here.
When Ted ended his term as Chair of the Board of Trustees last year, the rest of the trustees decided to honor him with the creation of this new fund. The trustees themselves have given or raised most of the funds so far, but they need your help to get the project to goal!
Your gift to the Ted Fetter Scholarship Fund will count towards our Sowing Seeds comprehensive campaign. For any questions about this fund, or if you would like to discuss alternative methods of giving such as multi-year pledges, legacy gift options, stock gifts, IRA qualified charitable distributions please contact our VP for Advancement, Jessica Cloud, at jcloud@sksm.edu or call 571-438-8333.
Thank you for helping us with this important work, so that we may continue to educate leaders who will create just and sustainable communities.