Glimpses of That Which Holds All

Date(s) - 03/14/2023
11:00 am - 11:45 am


Glimpses of That Which Holds All is a drop-in spiritual practice opportunity that invites you to SLOW down, catch glimpses of your divine being, and be in sacred community. Everyone… seminarians, graduates, community members, family members, and allies are warmly invited to drop in. Please believe that you are welcome to drop in at any time during the 45 minutes that we are together. We meet every Tuesday with the exception of the first Tuesday when we have Monthly Chapel.

We will use the 4R’s of the Lectio Divina practice (read, reflect, respond, rest) to engage prose that speaks to integrity. Please note there is ONLY ONE offering of Glimpses for March. Glimpses will return Tuesday, April 11.

Click here to join via Zoom.