Womanist Theo-ethics: An Advanced Introduction

Session: Spring
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: Yes

This online synchronous advanced seminar will offer multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to the roots of Womanism and the study of Womanist theology and ethics, through the lens of literature as well as trauma-informed methodologies grounded in the experiences of Black women in the Diaspora created by the Middle Passage and the transatlantic slave trade. Works of Womanist scholars such as Emilie Townes, Katie Cannon, Delores Williams, Monica Coleman, and Angela Sims become tools for cultivating transdisciplinary counter-oppressive perspectives on moral questions as well as healing and transformative praxis for the dismantling of myriad forms of intersecting oppression. Literary works by Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, Ida B. Wells, and others highlight the inter-religious and prophetic origins of Womanism in Afra-American spirituality, politics, and aesthetics.

SKSM Thresholds: 1. Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement, 2. Prophetic Witness and Work, 3. Sacred Text and Interpretation, 6. Thea/ology in Culture and Context, 7. Educating for Wholeness and Liberation. MFC: 1. Worship and Rites of Passage, 2. Pastoral Care and Presence, 3. Spiritual Development for Self and Others, 4. Social Justice in the Public Square.

Faculty consent required.

Maximum enrollment: 12. Auditors excluded.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Joanne Braxton