Religion has been and continues to be a primary energizing force for white supremacy. In this synchronous online course for MASC, MDiv, Chaplaincy students and Community Members, we will study the religious underpinnings of white supremacy and the contemporary rise of Christian Nationalism. A historic look-back at the alliance of Christianity with colonization and enslavement will also be relevant, including the violent racism at the Puritan roots of Unitarianism and Universalism, and the Christian religious symbolism of torture and humiliation that infuses modern lynchings with religious pathos. Identifying and constructing theological frameworks that counter and redress white supremacy’s virulence within religion will be the key purpose.
The format will include lectures, study of images and media, readings, writing, and discussions. Final projects can be a theological exposition, a curriculum design for a congregation, a sermon series, or other creative/constructive projects of students’ designing. Evaluation will be based on self-identified learning goals and collective class success.
The course will strengthen capacities for Thresholds: 2. Prophetic Witness and Work and 6. Thea/ology in Culture and Context. MFC Competencies: 1. Worship and Rites of Passage, 2. Pastoral Care and Presence, 3. Spiritual Development for Self and Others, 6. Serves the larger UU faith, 7. Leads the faith into the future.
Pre-requisite: ECO Core
Faculty Consent Required. Registration is contingent upon faculty approval.
1. Students will self-enroll in the course to be placed on the waitlist. 2. Complete the required faculty consent questionnaire. For questions regarding Faculty Consent, please contact