How do those called to bless the world – to engage with the suffering and healing of others, and of the planet – ground and sustain themselves? Students will link theory, practice, and personal experience to develop their personal theologies for sustainable, resilient leadership. Learn practical tools to serve vocations “for the long haul”, particularly in these uncertain and tumultuous times. Together, we will explore concepts including compassion fatigue, measuring emotional and spiritual health, burnout, trauma stewardship, boundary setting, and care for self and community. Participants will also explore how to positively influence organizational culture and build healthy, sustainable congregations and other collectives. This asynchronous, interactive, multi-faceted course combines multimedia, readings, class discussion, a praxis (action/reflection) component, and more, and is open to all.
Sustainable and Resilient Spiritual Leadership relates to these thresholds: Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement (1) and Spiritual Practice and Care for the Soul (5).
Maximum enrollment: 15