Spiritual Practices in These Times

Session: Spring
Type: Asynchronous, Online
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Approval Required: Yes
Download: Course Document

In this semester-long, asynchronous online course, students will explore, develop and/or deepen their spiritual practice and support others in doing the same. The class will be experiential and multi-religious, drawing on some of the wisdom and practices of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Earth-based traditions, as well as neuroscience, poetry, and Ecopsychology. Evaluation will be based on reflections, spiritual practice exercise, a project, and how students help create a vibrant and caring learning community. Intended audience is MDiv and MASC students. Faculty consent required. Relates to Thresholds: 5. Spiritual Practice & Care of the Soul 8. Embodied Wisdom & Beauty. Relates to MFC Comp: 3: Encourages Spiritual Devotion for Self & Others. [20 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]

Faculty Consent is required. Registration is contingent upon faculty approval.

Students will self-enroll in the course to be placed on the waitlist. Complete the faculty consent questionnaire. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FC22-23

For questions regarding Faculty Consent, please contact kmoebius@sksm.edu.