Seminary 101: Group Learning

Session: Summer
Type: Asynchronous, Intensive
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: No

This course orients incoming SKSM students to the seminary curriculum and learning environment; discusses introductory readings (connected to major courses in the curriculum); establishes habits for critical reading and writing in graduate school; as well as offers an understanding of the history, Unitarian Universalist tradition, multi-religiosity, and educational thresholds of our school. Learn how to be successful in learning online, meeting seminary course requirements, and contributing as a responsible member of a learning community.

This self-paced course can start instantly with flexible deadlines and rolling engagement to fit your Summer schedule. The course includes 4 one-week modules that can be completed in as few as 4 weeks. New modules start on Mondays through the summer.

Online, asynchronous, with 2-3 Zoom sessions.

Relates to Threshold 7.

Faculty: Rev. Dr. Megan Visser

[25 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]