Multi-Religious Intensive

Session: Summer
Type: Intensive, Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Approval Required: No

This course will present a framework for the practice and understanding of multi-religiosity, in a collaborative and pluralist environment. It will draw upon contemporary texts and guest lectures representing a diversity of faith traditions to provide an integrative context for understanding religious identity as non-binary and multifaceted. Students will be encouraged to participate in multi-spiritual practice and share their own multi-religious experiences and rituals to foster discussion about non-binary religious identity from a variety of perspectives.

Course Dates and Times: August 17-21 and 24-28, 10AM-12PM Pacific Time, with two additional daily hours of asynchronous online work, discussion, and writing.

Course Format: This course will be presented as an online intensive over Zoom, with daily class meetings that will include synchronous discussions, lectures, and experiential sharing and learning. Outside of class meetings, students will be expected to complete two daily hours of asynchronous work, which can include writing, participating in online Moodle discussions, and participant webservation. All readings must be completed by the beginning of the course.

Course Evaluation: Final presentation and research paper or project on a specific topic or theme relating to multi-religiosity.

Intended audience: All degree programs.

Relates to Thresholds: I, II, IV, VI, VII. Relates to MFC: I, III, VII.