The rationale for this course is to develop oneís own life-regenerating leadership along the long arc of social change and transformation that existed before our time and will continue after us. We will explore ways of engaging and directing energy within an ecosystem so as to encourage diversity and distribution of leadership. This includes rediscovering our agency in challenging environments while leading in a way that honors the leadership present in any given moment, as well as the leadership that preceded and will follow such moments. This course is in-person, interactive, and informed by Taoist, Zen, and Somatic praxis. Students will be expected to complete readings, reflections, and activities that will deepen their leadership practice.
Relates to SKSM Thresholds 1, 3, 5, & 7, and MFC Comps 3, 5, & 7.
Course meets daily, 8/12/19-8/16/19, from 9:30am-5:30pm at SKSM Reading Room.
[12 max enrollment]