Indigenous Bodies

Session: Spring
Type: Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2019 - 2020
Approval Required: No

This lecture combined with seminar style course is an in-depth embodied, somatic, theatrical, spect-act-rical, trauma-informed, academic, and “Praxi-demic” (experiential/experimental) journey into and through the history, present, presence and potential future for a global majority that is a globally marginalized population; struggling to maintain identity and cultural traditions within the context of the growth and expansion of modernity. Evaluation methods will include research papers, reflection papers, and class presentations and is open to MDiv, MA/MASC/MTS, DMin, PhD/ThD or any combination thereof.

Applies to SKSM Thresholds: 1) Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement, 2) Prophetic Witness and Work, 4) History of Dissenting Traditions and the Thea/ological Quest, 6) Thea/ology in Culture and Context, 7) Educating for Wholeness and Liberation, & 8) Embodied Wisdom and Beauty and Ministerial Fellowship Competencies (MFC): 2) Pastoral Care and Presence, 3) Spiritual Development for Self and Others, 4) Social Justice in the Public Square, 6) Serves the larger UU Faith, & 7) Leads the faith into the future.

Instructor: Dragon Little

25 max enrollment