Health Ethics

Session: Fall
Type: Asynchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2019 - 2020
Approval Required: No

Health and medicine lie at the intersection of our religion/spirituality, values, and bodies. This course provides a foundation in bioethics and the complexities of health, illness and health care. Students develop the ability to apply ethical theory and bio-political knowledge to key ethical issues, such as end-of-life decision-making, patient-provider relationships, genetic/reproductive technologies, the care of vulnerable populations, organ donation, and crisis medicine. The course includes a significant “laboratory” component, in which students develop and lead discussion of key concepts and cases in order to provide valuable arguments and cultivate pastoral leadership. the course requires weekly consistent on-line community building and peer-to-peer accountability practices, which enhance the learning and engagement for all.

Relates to SKSM Threshold 5 and MFC Competency 2 and 4.

[Students are expected to have taken an introductory course in ethics, have significant undergraduate philosophy or ethics experience or some equivalent educational experiences in a related field. Final acceptance to the course will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Students should contact the instructor to discuss their interests and experiences. 25 max enrollment]

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Megan Visser