Forgiveness and Moral Repair

Session: Fall
Type: Asynchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2019 - 2020
Approval Required: Yes

In this class we will meet people from all over the world, from a variety of religious and cultural traditions, who have practiced forgiveness as a means of healing, peace, and liberation. Through readings, films, spiritual practice exercises, and projects we will develop interpersonal and pastoral skills in forgiveness. We will also explore moral repair: how we individually and collectively might apologize, repent, and make amends after wrong-doing. This class will be multi-religious and counter-oppressive. It will draw on personal narratives, neuroscience, psychology, practical theology and world religions including earth-based traditions. The course is especially suited to those preparing for ministry, chaplaincy, interfaith work, and/or sacred activism.

Relates to SKSM Thresholds: Spiritual Practice & Care of the Soul; Prophetic Witness & Work. Relates to MFC Comps: #3 Encourages spiritual development for self and others, #4 Witnesses to Social Justice in the Public Square.

[Faculty Consent required; 20 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]
Instructor: Rev. Christine Fry