Effective Justice Ministries

Session: Fall
Type: Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2019 - 2020
Approval Required: No

In the face of profound climate disruption and racial and economic inequality, people of faith are called be agents of change, co-creators of more equitable, sustainable and life-giving communities. However, our capacity to make a difference may fall short of our ideals. How do individuals and systems change? What gifts can faith communities and leaders bring to this work? How can our justice ministries be more effective, meaningful and sustainable? Students in this class will: 1) engage with different theories of change, 2) learn from historic and current movements for justice, 3) become acquainted with Unitarian Universalist, interfaith, faith/labor, legislative, and organizing networks, and 4) develop practical skills needed to inspire, organize, analyze, structure, resource, sustain, and pastor effective justice ministries. This class is offered in high residency with limited hybrid synchronous participation allowed via Zoom. Hybrid participation counts as low residency. A weekly seminar with some field trips and guest presenters. In consultation with the professor, students will apply core concepts to a final project of their choice. This class relates to SKSM Threshold # 2 “Prophetic Witness and Work” and UUA Ministerial Fellowship Competencies #4 “Social Justice in the Public Square.” Evaluation method – class participation, reflection papers, & final project. Intended Audience: M.Div., MASC, D.Min.

Students must contact the professor to seek permission before registering. Registration is contingent on faculty approval. Instructor: Rev. Lindi Ramsden

[16 max enrollment; Auditors with faculty permission]