Congregational Fieldwork

Session: Spring
Type: Field Education
Units: 0.5-5
Academic Year: 2024 – 2025
Approval Required: No

Congregational field work grounds a student in a people and a place, and it is a crucial component of ministerial formation and development. Field work connects what is learned in the classroom with the practical ministry of congregational life. Through theological reflection undertaken with an on-site mentor, a Starr King professor, as well as self-reflection, the student will further craft their personal thea/ology of ministry. During the semester, the student will analyze and reflect on the skills they are practicing at their field placement through these four elements of formation: personal faith journey, educating to counter oppressions, ethical issues that arise in field work, cultivating spiritual practice.

Evaluation is based on conversations with the professor, completion of the Learning Agreement, mid-term evaluation, and final evaluation.

This course is for M.Div. students. Variable credit from 0.5 – 5.0, depending on the scope of the field placement. Contact the registrar for manual adjustment of credit to level set by the instructor.

Depending on the focus of the field work, this class may meet one or more of the Starr King Thresholds.

Auditors excluded.