ChI Science and Spirit

Session: Fall
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 1.5
Days: SUN - FRI - SAT
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Approval Required: No

ECO Core


This 3-day course will focus on science itself as a source for wonder, contemplation and transformative meaning. Challenging the stereotypes that paint spirituality and science as incompatible, participants will travel between first-person experiences, depictions of the Cosmos, and key developing areas of science. On day 1, we will re-kindle the aptitude we all have for scientific inquiry, tapping into the joy of first-hand explorations of phenomena and perceptions. On day 2, we will take a “highlights tour” of the Universe as it has been collectively described by generations of inquirers. On day 3, we will focus on key unsolved areas of science that offer spiritual, existential and ethical pathways towards new meanings.

Only for joint-program students participating in Chaplaincy Institute (ChI) courses as part of the Interfaith Chaplaincy and Ministry Certificate. Max. enrollment 15. Auditors excluded.Relevant for SKSM threshold 6 (The@logy in Culture & Context); MFC competency 6. Meets Oct. 7-9.

Prerequisite: ECO course.