ECO Core
Being with Dying and Death: In this 3 day course, participants will explore important aspects of being with dying and death from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Herbert Anderson, PhD, the author of 13 books including The Sacred Art of Dying, and other world-class instructors will provide practical clinical and personal tools for being with dying and death, professionally and personally. Other focus areas include: the spiritual agenda of dying; Engaged spirituality through poetry and the language of death; Grieving, empathy and forgiveness; Advance Healthcare Directives; Medical-aid-in-dying and “death with dignity,” and Contemplative Self-Care, Mourning and Lament in Nature. This elective provides excellent training for chaplains, hospice volunteers, nurses, physicians, therapists and anyone who is faced with dying at home. Only for joint-program students participating in Chaplaincy Institute (ChI) courses as part of the Interfaith Chaplaincy and Ministry Certificate.
[Max. enrollment 15. Auditors excluded. Relevant for SKSM threshold 5 (Spiritual Practice & Care for the Soul); MFC competency 2 (Pastoral Care and Presence).
Prerequisite: ECO course.
Course meets full days, Fri/Sat/Sun, Jul 22- Jul 24, 2022]. Instructor: Katrina Leathers